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Mamata Banerjee criticizes prioritization of beautification over railway safety

  • The CM voiced concerns about beautification projects taking precedence over railway safety
  • Emphasized the need for safety to be the primary focus while considering aesthetic enhancements
  • The remarks have initiated a debate on resource allocation and project prioritization in West Bengal

18 Jun 2024
Mamata Banerjee criticizes prioritization of beautification over railway safety

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee recently voiced her concerns regarding the prioritization of beautification projects over essential railway safety measures. During a public address, Banerjee expressed her dismay at the perceived neglect of critical infrastructure maintenance and safety in favor of aesthetic enhancements.

Banerjee highlighted that the focus on beautification should not come at the cost of fundamental safety requirements, particularly in the railway sector, which has witnessed several tragic incidents recently. She emphasized the need for a balanced approach where beautification efforts do not undermine the operational and safety standards of the railway system.

The Chief Minister’s comments come in the wake of several accidents that have raised questions about the state of railway infrastructure and safety protocols. Banerjee pointed out that while beautification can enhance the visual appeal of cities and towns, the primary responsibility should always be the safety and well-being of the citizens.

Banerjee's remarks have sparked a debate on the allocation of resources and the prioritization of projects within the state. Many citizens and political leaders support her stance, urging a re-evaluation of current projects to ensure that safety is not compromised for cosmetic improvements.

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